8-12 months
Complexity of flavors and textures continues to grow with crawlers. Thick and mushy textures are blended containing small, soft, and chewable chunks or small pieces. Dairy, pasta, legumes, or meat can be introduced at this stage. Exposure to different tastes, flavors, and textures also helps them to develop their sensory profile through different experiences while working their mouth, jaw, and tongue

Some of our recipes

Mixed Fruits
- Apple, Banana & Mango puree
- Tropical fruits puree

- 5 Grain Cereal with berries

- Cheesy Rice
- Strawberry yogurt

Mixed Veggies
- Cauliflower, Pea, Spinach & Coconut Drink
- Carrot, Potato, Yellow Peas & Red Lentils

Meat & Fish
- Salmon & veggies
*These recipes are for illustrative purposes and are an example of what we can develop together

- 70g /2,5oz
- 90g/3,2oz
- 100g/3,5oz
- 113g/4oz
- 128g/4,5oz

4-6 months

6-8 months

12-48 months

+48 months