Complaint channel
Integrity and ethics in conduct and business are values that we protect. To do this, we have created these complaint channels to report or denounce any complaint, concern and/or activity carried out by any worker or Stakeholder that violates the law, the company’s internal policies, ethics or good principles.
We are committed to following up, investigating each case in detail, and taking the corresponding actions. In addition to not taking any retaliation for any complaint made in good faith and safeguarding the complainants’ confidentiality.

Seriousness in the complaint
Reporting violations of the Code of Ethics or the Law is mandatory for all workers. Fruselva will not give rise to false accusations, reports or malicious disclosures of any kind and will take disciplinary action when this occurs, according to the seriousness of the accusation or malicious report.

The complainant will enjoy complete immunity from work with respect to the reported issue, to the extent that he or she is not involved or implicated in the act.

Determined action
Fruselva will act decisively regarding any complaint of practices against the Code of Ethics or the Law.

Any complaint or report will have the guarantee of confidentiality and anonymity of the complainant by default, unless their identity is strictly necessary.

Directly to the Ethics Committee

Letter or email addressed to the Ethics Committee

Through the website
The complainant must carefully consider the background information in order to be able to present a description of the facts, place and referential dates, and the names and positions of those involved.
If the complaint merits it, it will be investigated by the Ethics or Audit Committee, with a maximum period of two months and an extension of the investigation may be opted for for a maximum period of one month. At the end of the investigation period, the Committee or person in charge of prevention must issue a clear and detailed report that must describe the complaint received, the procedures for carrying out the investigation and the results.
You can check the Global Fruselva Code of Ethics here.