
At Fruselva we are convinced that the most valuable resource we have is our employees. Thanks to his talent, work and knowledge, the company has evolved to this day. For all these reasons, we have been promoting actions focused on ensuring their well-being, both personal and work, safety and equality.

The last action implemented this 2022 has been our adherence to the Desafío10X business movement. It is an identifying seal that aims to “inspire companies to share the value they generate more fairly. Also to improve the well-being of their workers.” A distinction that is granted to those companies that are committed to reducing the salary gap. The main objective is that there is no difference between the highest and lowest salaries of more than 10 times.

Inclusion in the 10X Challenge movement fills us with satisfaction, since it is 100% aligned with the way in which we want to develop as a company. In addition, the commitment to people and their salaries that we carry out with this adhesion is a real way of promoting equality and sharing the economic well-being that we are all capable of generating.

committed to equality

Our commitment to the 10X Challenge joins other actions that we have already implemented, such as the free bus to travel to the company. For example, Christmas bonuses and local festivals; the complementary health insurance or the Study Scholarship for both employees and their children. We have also been developing actions to achieve total equity among the company’s employees.

Nuestro compromiso con el Desafío 10X se une a otras acciones que ya hemos implantado. Como por ejemplo el bus gratuito para desplazarse a la compañía. o también los aguinaldos de Navidad y fiestas locales. Además, el seguro complementario de salud. O también la Beca de Estudio tanto para empleados como para sus hijos. También venimos desarrollado acciones para alcanzar una equidad total entre los empleados de  la compañía.