Towards the end of last year, we inaugurated a new megafactory in Barranquilla, Colombia, a 15,182 m2 facility located in La Cayena Zona Franca. Now, together with the company Cercar Energy, we are installing more than 200 solar panels of 570W, which will give us an approximate production of 201,600 kWh/year.

This installation of solar panels on the roof of the factory’s office building occupies an area of 750 m2, and thanks to its production, we estimate that we will avoid the emission of more than 35 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Fruselva committed to the environment

At Fruselva we are committed to sustainable development and environmental responsibility, therefore our new facilities have systems and processes that minimize environmental impact, are de designed to carry out efficient waste management, responsible use of water and the implementation of renewable energy practices for self-consumption.

The installation of photovoltaic panels at the Barranquilla plant was not the only one; this same operation has also been carried out at our headquarters in Europe and at different plants of our corporate group, Masergrup.

In conclusion, the installation of solar panels at Fruselva’s megafactory in Barranquilla is a firm and necessary step towards a more sustainable future. The company not only ensures efficiency and competitiveness, but also demonstrates its commitment to the preservation of the environment and the promotion of a greener economy.